
poetry blog's url: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendID=93580266
pbr url: click here to view his profile


Poetry blogs aren’t really his thing. No fancy colors, no use of dazzling fonts, and I don’t get the feeling he cares if people read his work or not. But he’s not fooling anyone, ‘cause everyone knows that’s the exact formula to use if you want to be that cool-antihero guy that everyone kinda loves. His poetry is on point, sensitive raunchy, smart, and very well thought-out.


He has zero structure to his poetry in terms of stanza breaks or cues that make for a comfortable read. And, although you’re forced by his eloquence and intellect to believe every poem means something more, many of his poems seem to go nowhere at all.

Rating (1-10): 9

Overall Analysis:

Every read is a unique and wonderful read. His writing has many bunny trails that might annoy some readers and he might piss you off with a post or two, but there is no doubt he can write great, descriptive poetry. He’s the anti-conformist people perpetually and ironically try to conform to.