Lance Strate

Lance Strate
poetry blog's url:
pbr url:


He’s great with experimenting with different brands of poetry, in regards to structure and themes. One can truly tell that he cares about his work and spends much time attempting to perfect his craft. That goes a long way with me and perhaps with many other readers as well, as it’s easy to put time and care into reading something that someone else obviously put time and care into constructing. You can also tell he has some deeply motivating thoughts that he’s trying to get at you and through you throughout each poetic piece.


Although, at times, his rhythm is well thought-out, unique, and cadenced, most of the time reading his work is trying to catch which flow he happens to be using for that particular verse or stanza. The color of his blog is a bit atrocious, but maybe it’s just me… and maybe that shouldn’t matter at all.

Rating (1-10): 8

Overall Analysis:

All in all, he has a wealth of work that anyone would better themselves by taking a gander at. If you’re a poetry fundamentalist, you might want to avoid his poetry, but for anyone who loves the underlying message and the thought process behind the author, his poetry is a great read. He’s a sophisticated writer whose ideas and creativity far outweigh his poetic talent (which is saying something… because his poetic talent isn’t bad at all).